2016 Town Meeting Election Results

Lyme School Ballot:
Moderator: (1 position)
     Bill Waste 287

Treasurer: (1 position)
     Dina Cutting 262

Clerk: (1 position)
     Elise Garrity 282

School Board members: (2 positions)
     Jay Davis 274
     Heidi Lange 269 

Official Town Officers:
Budget Committee: (3 positions)
     Erik Colberg 267
     Eric Furstenberg 274
     Cybele Merrick 268 

Cemetery Trustee: (1 position)
     Laurie Wadsworth 286 

Library Trustees (3 years): (3 positions)
     Marybeth Durkin 217
     Patty Hudson 221
     Nora Katz-Rhoads 91
     Dan O’Hara 234 

Library Trustee (2 years) (1 position)
     David Allen 277 

Overseer of Public Welfare: (1 position)
     Nancy Grandine 281 

Planning Board: (2 positions)
     Eric Furstenberg 275
     Vicki Smith 273 

Select Board member: (1 position)
     Susan MacKenzie 265 

Road Agent: (1 position)
     Steven Williams 271 

Supervisor of the Checklist: (1 position)
     Karen Borgstrom 282 

Town Moderator:  (1 Position)
     Kevin Peterson 282 

Tax Collector: (1 position)
     Joanne Coburn 282 

Town Treasurer: (1 position)
     Peter Swart 278 

Trustee of the Trust Funds: (1 position)
     Simon Carr 285 

All of the Zoning Amendments passed.