Town Meeting Postponed

Dear Lyme Residents/Voters:
Due to the impending snowstorm and a Winter Storm Warning issued by the National Weather Service, the Town of Lyme is postponing Town Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 14, 2023. 
The 'Business Meeting' portion of Town Meeting (in-person voting for various warrant articles listed in the Town Report) will now be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 6 PM at the Lyme School Gym/Community Room.
The 'Official Ballot' portion of Town Meeting (voting for Town Officials, School District Officials, and the one Zoning Amendment) will now be held on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, from 7 AM - 7 PM at the Lyme School Gym/Community Room. 
The decision to postpone both 'parts' of Town Meeting was made in close consultation with Lyme's Road Agent, Police Chief, Emergency Management Director, Town Clerk, Select Board and other election officials.  We had the benefit of detailed weather information directly from the National Weather Service. 
The postponement is being done in accordance with RSA 669:1, and RSA 40:4.
If you have submitted an absentee ballot package (3 ballots), that ballot package will be processed at the Official Ballot election on March 28th.  If you are unable to attend the Official Ballot voting on March 28th, you my request an absentee ballot package from the Town Clerk until 5 PM on Monday, March 27th. Once you have filled out your absentee ballot package, you can mail it or drop it off at the Town Clerk's office.  Absentee ballots must be delivered before 5 PM on Tuesday, March 28, 2023.  If you have any additional questions, please send them to,  or feel free to call the Town Clerk's office at 603-795-2535.  
We apologize for any inconvenience the change in the dates may have caused in your schedule, but the decision was made giving full consideration to the safety of the voters, election officials, and town employees. 
Kevin Peterson
Lyme Town Moderator