Website Notification System

Hello Lyme, 

In an attempt to help community members be as informed as possible we want to remind you that our Town Website has a notification system. If you want to be alerted when something is posted on the Town of Lyme Website head over to our home page: Town of Lyme NH |

Once you have reached the home page, on the left hand side of the screen there should be a gray box labeled 'Town Resources'. Directly under that label is a button labeled 'Subscribe' (Subscribe | Town of Lyme NH). If you click this button it will prompt you to identify what you want to be notified of. Make sure to click the 'Subscribe me' button at the bottom of the page to ensure you are subscribed! 

If you have any trouble, please don't hesitate to contact me at (603)-795-4639 and I would be happy to help!


Jordan Toland