Parking rules and regulations from the Lyme Police

Now is a good time to remind everyone of the Parking rules and regulations. Winter is here and the snow removal Crews can not have vehicles parked in the roadways.

Per New Hampshire State Law: Parking is NEVER allowed within the travel portion of any road.  If your vehicle does not have all 4 tires off the travel portion you are in violation and may be towed at the owner's expense.

If you can not make you hill, driveway, etc or become stuck: Immediately contact your local Police Agency to advise of the situation. If a tow is needed you should make that call next. PLEASE DO NOT leave a vehicle in an unsafe place where it will hinder snow removal efforts or be a hazard for other motorists any longer than absolutely necessary.

Per Lyme Town Ordinance: ALL Motor Vehicle Laws still apply. The Town Parking Ordinance governs Town own Properties such as the Common. AT NO TIME is parking allowed on the Main St. (Route 10) side of the Town Common. Also, Parking, Driving, Etc ON THE COMMON is Forbidden, especially during the Winter Months.

Thanks Lyme Police.